Monthly Archives: November 2014

As the waves roll in

The Atlantic Ocean has always had an influential role in my life- whether it was family vacations in Massachusetts or this past year on the East End of Long Island, the ocean has offered me comfort and opportunities for reflection. My thoughts get lost in the changing tides, the waves and the undertows- the highs […]

Ka tara: (intransitive verb) to be at a place, to sweat

(November 15, 2014) I just completed the “long stay” of two weeks at my CBT site. And within the next two weeks I will take all my final exams, have a counterpart workshop with my future work partners, have a party at the training center with family members from our homestays, celebrate thanksgiving at the […]

It’s Laundry Time!

(November 7, 2014) It’s pretty easy to tell when your family, a neighbor, or anyone in a 2k radius is doing laundry by the distinct squish/ squeak noise that the Senegalese have mastered. Sometimes it’s one squeak- maybe three squeaks- but usually two. Two succinct, loud, echoey squeaks as fabric is folded on to itself, […]

Koungheul Soce!

(October 30, 2014) Last week was the moment we have all been counting down towards- site reveal! We walked out to the basketball court where the map of Senegal is painted, put on blindfolds and endured the building suspense. We each were spun around and led to our spot on the map, handed an envelope, […]

It takes a village to raise a Peace Corps trainee

(October 19, 2014) I walked towards the Neem tree to gather leaves for the garden and waved Fatou along. Fatou is a six year old girl, who lives with her sister and her grandmother in a room adjacent to my family’s house. Fatou doesn’t speak Mandinka- only Wolof- so not much more than a couple […]


Disclaimer: Because of the poor internet access, I have been hoarding blog posts. The next few posts are from a ways past, but are dated when they were written. As for photos- I promise they will come, but I need to wait for a stronger internet connection. Thanks for reading and lots of love! (October […]